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Пружанский р-н, Водохранилище Либерполь, 6 км от д. Гута

Охотничий домик  ГЛХУ "Пружанский лесхоз", расположенный в живописном месте на берегу водохранилища Гута на территории Лесковского лесничества, представляет собой замечательное место, где можно приятино отдохнуть в выходные или поохотиться в компании друзей и коллег. 

Домик находится в 3-х км от д. Гута, среди вековых дубов, окружен лесом.

В домике для проживания могут одновременно остановиться до 12 человек. В распоряжении гостей - комфортные спальные комнаты, душевые, большая гостинаяс телевизором и камином, мощная холодильная камера для хранения дичи, которая находится в подвале. 

На территории расположены 2 беседки, беседка с мангалом для чествования охотников, стоянка для автомобилей, гараж со смотровой ямой, вольер для собак и водоем площадью 0.5 га., место разделки дич, круглосуточно охраняемая стоянка.

На водохранилище Гута можно порыбачить. Здесь водится щука, карась, линь, окунь, плотва, карп, толстолобик, белый амур. Напрокат можно взять лодку и не только комфортно порыбачить, но и насладиться красивыми пейзажами. 

 В 2-ух км от базы проложена экологическая тропа, включающая уникальные ландшафты, смену различных типов леса, редкие растения. Здесь можно, повстречать различных птиц, животных, увидеть их следы.

Мы гарантируем незабываемый отдых!

Guta Hunting Lodge

Located in a picturesque forested area Guta Hunting Lodge is a nice place to spend an enjoyable weekend or a hunting season in a company of friends and colleagues. The Lodge is situated on the territory of the Lyskovskoe forestry 3 kilometers off the village Guta on the bank of Lake Guta. It’s a really nice, comfortable and safe place to stay as everything is provided there. The recreation facilities include the hunting lodge itself, three summer houses, a wooden well, a game butchering table, an open-air enclosure for hunting dogs, a parking lot and a garage with a grease pit.

Though the house may look like a typical two-storey cottage, it is a modern house with all conveniences needed for a good rest after a tiresome hunting or fishing. It is spacious enough for accommodation of 12 people. In the ample living-room you can enjoy a wonderful dinner at a large table or simply sit by the fireplace sharing ones hunting experience or telling hunter’s stories. For those who enjoy a more civilized leisure there is an LCD TV-set on the wall. The meals are cooked there in a small kitchen attached to the living-room. It is equipped with the needed kitchen appliance. The hunting lodge has several bedrooms and a bathroom with a shower. In the basement there is also a powerful fridge for keeping game meat.



Step outside and you’ll enjoy a wonderful view over a well-groomed yard surrounded by wild forest. Next to the house is a wooden well with crystal spring water the taste of which is sure to make you feel fresh and revitalized. The stony paths will lead you to one of the three summer houses. Under its vast roof one may revive memories of the last hunt or fishing or celebrate successful trophy hunting. Everything here is provided for having a barbecue party. The summer houses are equipped with charcoal grills for cooking fresh game kebabs. For outdoor cooking there is a gas barbecue stand available for rent. For butchering the freshly-killed game there is a special table.


The premises also have a place for keeping hunting dogs. They are provided with a spacious open-air enclosure with warm kennels. The parking lot is meant for several cars. In addition there is a garage with a grease pit where you can fix a car if needed. Guta Hunting Lodge is a really safe place to stay at. The premises are very well guarded round-the-clock by a professional watchman service. The vicinity of the lake is a great opportunity for rod and boat fishing. Lake Guta is a home for various fish like pike, crucian carp, tench, perch, roach, carp, silver and grass carps. For a small fee every amateur has the pleasure of rod fishing from the lake bank. Renting a boat will give you a spectacular view of the lake and the forest coupled with unparallel delight of fishing on the water. Besides fishing one can watch different kinds of wild birds which live on the lake. The “friends of nature” may find there swans, coots, garganey teals, mallards, gadwalls, shovelers, goldeneyes and other waterfowls. The hard-working beavers bear a nice company to them. The proof of which are numerous beaver houses found on the lake.




Forest Life Tour – Eco-Path Tour 

Ecologically-minded people as well as nature lovers can also find something to them. Just in 2 kilometers off the Guta Hunting Lodge premises there is an eco-path that runs through magnificent scenery and “natural masterpieces”. Buy the Forest Life Tour and feel the joy of strolling along the 5.1-kilometre path in a company of a professional guide. During the tour you are sure to feel connection with mother-nature as well as learn more about the forest and its inhabitants. The tour is good for families with children. Furthermore, the Forest Life Tour can be both a walking tour and a cycling tour. The sightseers have a choice of adult and children bikes at their disposal.
Renting Services GLHU “Pruzhanski leshoz” (Pruzhany Forestry SFE*) provides a wide range of renting services for foreign guests and residents of the Republic of Belarus on the territory of the Guta Hunting Lodge:

Premises Hunting Fishing

  • hunting lodge
  • summer houses (3)
  • parking lot
  • garage with a grease pit
  • charcoal grills
  • a gas barbecue stand


hunting weapons (for hunting on
the territory of the forestry):

  • hunting rifle
  • hunting carbine
  • shotguns



fishing equipment(for fishing on
the territory of the forestry):

  • boats
  • fishing rods

*State Forestry Establishment


For more details, please call:
+375-29-2201503 (МТС)


Foreign guests and Belarusian visitors, you’re always welcome at our Guta Hunting Lodge!

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